izingxenye ze-powder enamathela

  • ubakaki oqinile we-TV odongeniIzinkonzo zokusika nokubumba insimbi

    ubakaki oqinile we-TV odongeniIzinkonzo zokusika nokubumba insimbi

    ibhethri yensimbi ebiyelwe yezimoto
    Izinsizakalo zokusika i-laser
    Laser Welding Services
    Amasevisi okugoba amashidi ensimbi
    Ukwenziwa kwensimbi yeshidi
    304 izingxenye zokwenziwa kwensimbi engagqwali
    i-accessory sheet metal processing
    i-alloy sheet metal processing
    izingxenye zensimbi ye-aluminium alloy sheet
    izingxenye zensimbi ezenziwe nge-aluminium box sheet
    aluminium amabhokisi sheet metal Welding
    insizakalo yokwenziwa kwensimbi eyenziwe ngokwezifiso ye-aluminium
    inqubo yokukhiqiza amashidi e-aluminium
    ukugoba kwe-aluminium sheet metal
    aluminium sheet metal welding
    insimbi egoba ukushisela
    izingxenye zensimbi zokushisela
    laser cutting for metal
    ishidi lensimbi yokukhiqiza

    Lambert Precision Sheet Metal Processing Co., Ltd., with ten years of foreign trade experience, specializes in high-precision sheet metal processing parts, laser cutting, sheet metal bending, pipe bending, sheet metal chassis shell, power shell, etc., which can be applied to commercial design, ports, bridges, infrastructure, buildings, hotels, various pipeline systems, etc. Welcome to contact us by email: lambert@zslambert.com

  • Izivalo zebhethri lemoto ezenziwe ngezifiso nezikhethekile

    Izivalo zebhethri lemoto ezenziwe ngezifiso nezikhethekile

    ibhethri yensimbi ebiyelwe yezimoto
    Ukwenziwa kwensimbi yeshidi
    304 izingxenye zokwenziwa kwensimbi engagqwali
    i-accessory sheet metal processing
    i-alloy sheet metal processing
    izingxenye zensimbi ye-aluminium alloy sheet
    izingxenye zensimbi ezenziwe nge-aluminium box sheet
    aluminium amabhokisi sheet metal Welding
    insizakalo yokwenziwa kwensimbi eyenziwe ngokwezifiso ye-aluminium
    inqubo yokukhiqiza amashidi e-aluminium
    ukugoba kwe-aluminium sheet metal
    aluminium sheet metal welding
    insimbi egoba ukushisela
    izingxenye zensimbi zokushisela
    laser cutting for metal
    ishidi lensimbi yokukhiqiza

    Lambert Precision Sheet Metal Processing Co., Ltd., with ten years of foreign trade experience, specializes in high-precision sheet metal processing parts, laser cutting, sheet metal bending, pipe bending, sheet metal chassis shell, power shell, etc., which can be applied to commercial design, ports, bridges, infrastructure, buildings, hotels, various pipeline systems, etc. Welcome to contact us by email: lambert@zslambert.com

  • Ishidi le-OEM lensimbi ye-laser ukusika ukugoba ukushisela izingxenye eziphucuziwe zokukhiqiza ishidi lensimbi

    Ishidi le-OEM lensimbi ye-laser ukusika ukugoba ukushisela izingxenye eziphucuziwe zokukhiqiza ishidi lensimbi

    Lambert Precision Sheet Metal Processing Co., Ltd., with ten years of foreign trade experience, specializes in high-precision sheet metal processing parts, laser cutting, sheet metal bending, pipe bending, sheet metal chassis shell, power shell, etc., which can be applied to commercial design, ports, bridges, infrastructure, buildings, hotels, various pipeline systems, etc. Welcome to contact us by email: lambert@zslambert.com

    Ukupholisha insimbi yeshidi, ukuxubha, ukwelashwa kwendawo yokugaya, njll.
    304 izingxenye zokwenziwa kwensimbi engagqwali
    i-accessory sheet metal processing
    i-alloy sheet metal processing
    izingxenye zensimbi ye-aluminium alloy sheet
    izingxenye zensimbi ezenziwe nge-aluminium box sheet
    aluminium amabhokisi sheet metal Welding
    insizakalo yokwenziwa kwensimbi eyenziwe ngokwezifiso ye-aluminium
    inqubo yokukhiqiza amashidi e-aluminium
    ukugoba kwe-aluminium sheet metal
    aluminium sheet metal welding
    insimbi egoba ukushisela
    izingxenye zensimbi zokushisela
    laser cutting for metal
    ishidi lensimbi yokukhiqiza

  • Isevisi Eyenziwe Ngokwezifiso Ye-Metal Enclosure Powder Coating

    Isevisi Eyenziwe Ngokwezifiso Ye-Metal Enclosure Powder Coating

    Inqubo yokufafaza impushana, eyaziwa nangokuthi i-powder coating, iyinqubo entsha yokuhlanganisa ethuthukiswe ngokushesha emashumini eminyaka amuva nje.Impahla eluhlaza esetshenziswa impushana yepulasitiki.I-Coating ingathola ukujiya okunamathelayo, njengokumboza okungu-100 ~ 300μm, ngokuhlanganisa okujwayelekile kwe-solvent, izikhathi ezingaba ngu-4 ~ 6, kanye ne-powder enamathela kanye ingafinyelela ukushuba.I-coating inokumelana nokugqwala okuhle.I-powder coating ayiqukethe i-solvent, futhi ayinakho ukungcoliswa kwemfucuza emithathu.Ukusebenzisa i-powder electrostatic spraying nezinye izinqubo ezintsha, ukusebenza kahle okuphezulu, okulungele ukunamathela komugqa othomathikhi;Izinga eliphezulu lokusetshenziswa kwempushana, eligaywa kabusha.

Namathisela Amafayela